This post will be kind of personal, not too much about development, but thought I’d write a bit about what’s been happening to me for the last year and why I haven’t been blogging.

I’ve actually created a bunch of drafts, but none have been published yet as they haven’t been finished…
So.. why? Whats up?

About 1½ years ago I was rushed to the ER. My doctor had called me to report on some tests I had done for my WED, she was a bit startled as the tests had shown that I had acute anemia.
This was kind of a shock, but at the least it explained why I was so tired and almost fained from the smallest tasks (such as walking up the stairs). My blood value was at around 70, which is around 90 units below my standard and I had to be filled up with two bags of blood before they sent me home.

It took a while for me to recover and I had to medicate for a while, but my blood value went up again and the doctors could find no reason for why I was sick.
I went on scheduled tests (weekly, then bi-weekly and then every month) and after a while it returned from nowhere.
All tests re-started and nothing could be found.

As of now, I’m alright, my hB value is okay (over 150 again), my iron levels are still very low and I eat more iron than most people have in their kitchen, but I’m okay.
The ordeal did though take quite a lot of my mental stamina (especially as we still don’t know why I’ve been sick and I still have to go through a lot of testing and examinations).

My company is a single person company, so when I’m sick, there is no income, so most of the time when I’ve not been sick and in bed has been spent on working (and family of course). It goes well, a lot better than I had imagined due to all my problems, but it has forced me to put side-projects (such as this blog and a lot of my open-source stuff) to the side.

But! This is a new year. And a new year obviously means that stuff should be different (right?!), so in the spirit of that, I thought I’d try to get going with the blogging again, it might take some time, as I’m a very slow blogger, but I do hope to have a few new articles out soon.

I’ve been working on a new CFSSL blog post, something I have had requests on re-visiting and I still see a lot of hits on, further I thought I’d try to deep-dive in gRPC and micro-service architecture, something that interests me and I have been researching for a while.

And I guess that’s it, now you know!
